Jan 072012

NASA artwork from September of 1963 illustrating three configurations for Class II Nova designs. The Class II designs ere mid-technology designs… new engines and new engine types, but nothing crazy. Some stage reusability was expected, though not complete vehicle reusability.

You can download a 4.7 megabyte JPG file of the artwork; the linkĀ  is HERE. To access it, you will need to enter a username and password. The username: the first word in the body of the text on page 26 of APR issue V2N1. The password: the first word in the body of the text on page 31 of the same issue. Note that both are case sensitive.

 Posted by at 6:41 pm

  6 Responses to “Nova Class II Designs in hi-rez”

  1. Page XX?

  2. Appears to be broken.


  3. Another neato slide, thanks Scott.

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