Feb 032025

Rewards for January 2025 have just been sent out. They include:

CAD: Lockheed-Martin RATTLRShypersonic missile

ART: Douglas Nike-Zeus advertising artwork

Doc: 1987 Martin-Marietta “Titan II Program Familiarization – Titan II Training & Certification.” Well illustrated guide to the Titan II launch system.

Doc: University of Michigan report: “The Radar Cross Section of B-70 Aircraft,” 1960. originally secret, declassified report prepared for NAA describing the RCS of the B-70, and how to reduce it.

Subscribers/Patrons for the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program not only receive a monthly collection of aerospace goodies such as these, but can also pick up back issues all the way to 2014.



 Posted by at 11:35 pm
Jan 272025

It doesn’t happen terribly often, but every now and then humor slides into aerospace concept art. I’m ~100% sure that that’s exactly what this is: Expulsive Nuclear-Electric Manned Astroliner (ENEMA). Convair/General Dynamic artist’s concept, 1960-62. The design is actually not that unlike some nuclear launch vehicle concepts of the time, with one giant nuclear engine connected to one giant spherical tank, topped by a payload… but come on, we all know what they were going for here.

Click image to go to a Flickr page with a really high rez version.

fut_v_bw_o_n (ca. 1960-62, unnumbered Convair (Astronautics) - General Dynamics photo)




 Posted by at 4:39 pm
Sep 142024

Rumored and discussed for years, in 1962 General Atomic reportedly built a “Corvette sized” display model of the 4,000 ton Orion spacecraft as a spacegoing battleship. This model was shown to President Kennedy, and the reported reaction was… not great. The model was described by a few who had seen it, but all evidence of the model vanished, with the presumption that the model itself was either destroyed or lost, probably shut in a crate next to the Ark.

Well over a decade ago I took those scraps of description, coupled with random bits of data, discussions with a few who knew things, and some imagination, and pieced together my own interpretation of what the Orion Battleship may have looked like.

Some printouts of my diagrams, years ago:

Somewhat to my surprise, my diagrams have been spread far and wide and have become the de facto canonical image of the Orion Battleship, with sketches, 3D CAD models, paintings, etc. being made based to greater or lesser degrees on my design. My one real contribution, I guess. I’ve never tried to claim that it was accurate, just that it was the best that I could do with what I had. I never expected to be able to do better.

But then author Brent D. Ziarnick published the book “To Rule the Skies” in 2021. In it was, at last, a photo of the model. While the book was published 3 years ago, I only stumbled across this image today:

There are *clear* differences between the model and my interpretation. Mostly they involve the means of projecting the pulse units: I based my design on the system used for the 1963 4,000 ton Orion: a cannon along the ships centerline that shot the pulse units directly aft through a central hole in the pusher plate. But the model depicted an older, more cumbersome approach: those “fins” on the side are actually rails. They’d lob the pulse units past the edge of the plate. I now this because circa 2009-12 I communicated with Jim Bryant, who was an artist at General Atomic and he created a sketch for me of Orion as he knew it at about the time the model was made. From his sketch I created CAD diagrams:

You put my two diagrams together… and you get pretty close to the configuration shown in the model.

I’ve got high hopes for getting an improved-rez version of the photo (maybe more!). I will use that to create a new set of diagram, probably also a 3D model, of the *official* “Orion Battleship.”

I don’t feel too bad about getting some things dead wrong. The Orion concept was in serious flux at the time; had the USAF proceeded with the battleship, it would *not* have used the pulse unit “fins.” Instead it would have evolved to something like what I drew up. It could well have evolved *past* what I drew up, but that’s a question that can only be answered in an alternate reality.

If you want the full Orion Battleship Experience, check out Aerospace Projects Review issue V2N2:



 Posted by at 10:33 pm
Sep 012024

The rewards went out this AM bright and early. They include:

Diagram: Two sheets of Rocketdyne schematics for the Space Shuttle Main Engine and propulsion system

Document: “B-1B New Strength for America’s Defense” An early 80’s brochure on the then-forthcoming B-1B

Document: “Aerojet propulsion for Space Systems,” a very nicely illustrated booklet on the AJ10-137, the main engine of the Apollo CSM

Document: Two articles in French on VTOL Aircraft from the ICARE revue De L’Aviation Francaise “Salon 69”

CAD Diagram: WIP of the Boeing Model 2000-201 VTOL stealth spec ops transport


If you are interested in helping to preserve this sort of aerospace history, consider signing up for the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program for as little as $1.50 per month:



 Posted by at 1:30 pm
Aug 272024

The USSF wants to actually be able to do their job. Could we see the return of the heady days of the Star Wars program? Now that we have actual almost-affordable and mostly-reusable space launch, we just might. Get ready for the pages of Aviation Week to be filled with artists concepts of space based lasers, neutral particle beams, orbital and cisluanr assets of all kinds. Can we even dream of manned nuclear powered spacecraft patrolling the spacelanes?


Of course, a lot will depend on November.




OBJECTIVE: The end state of this project is to establish a robust and sustainable framework for Space Sustainment and Maneuver, enabling companies to facilitate movement within the space domain across all orbital regimes, including travel to and from the moon. This initiative aims to overcome current limitations in maneuverability, thereby providing strategic advantages in space operations, such as maintaining initiative, achieving surprise, and outmaneuvering adversaries. By fostering innovation in areas such as on-orbit servicing, refueling, orbital transfer/maneuvers , and payload capabilities, the project seeks to ensure the survivability and effectiveness of space assets in NextGen Warfare scenarios. DESCRIPTION: The work to be accomplished entails a comprehensive exploration of space sustainment and maneuver technologies aimed at advancing superiority in orbital operations. This endeavor encompasses multiple facets, including but not limited to: 1. Core Technology Development: Refining and optimizing sustainment and maneuver solutions for improved maneuverability, efficiency, and strategic advantage. 2. Prototyping and Testing: Developing and testing key components like payloads, refueling systems, and autonomous maneuver strategies. 3. Advanced Payload Systems: Integrating space domain awareness, cognitive radios, on-orbit servicing , and electromagnetic spectrum capabilities. 4. Innovative Refueling Technologies: Implementing innovative solutions, such as optimized propellant selection and architectures for on-orbit refueling. 5. Next-Generation Orbital Transfer/Maneuvers Strategies: Developing efficient orbital transfer/ Maneuver techniques for prolonged asset lifespan and gaining a strategic advantage. 6. Logistics Architecture: Designing robust on-orbit systems for resource management, maintenance, and repair in extended space operations. 7. Enhanced Security Measures: Implementing data protection, cybersecurity, and edge computing solutions for space assets. 8. Integration with Existing Systems: Ensuring seamless integration with current space infrastructure and operational processes.

 Posted by at 12:46 pm
Aug 192024

Here’s the first nearly complete set of “sellable” 1/18 scale Skybolt ALBM parts. Only things missing are a stand(s) and a clear cover for the star tracker. There’ll be 2 variants… complete, and a simpler one without most of the innards (build with the stages/warhead joined). It takes about 2 *days* to print a complete set of parts. I’m still pondering the price. I will probably start on the low end and raise the price as I realize just what the frak I’m doing. Probably something along the lines of $80-$100, + postage. If interested, let me know.


 Posted by at 9:57 pm
Jul 082024

I’ve shut down production of cyanotype blueprints for the time being. What I’ve got is what there is; I’ll leave the catalog page up while I still have a supply, but I’ll shut it down when I run low and sell the rest on ebay. Get ’em while ya can.




 Posted by at 9:58 pm
Jul 012024

A day late, but I’ve sent out the June 2024 rewards to APR Patrons/Subscribers. Includes:

1: A pack of X-30 NASP propaganda. Seven double-sided 8X10 glossies, a double-sided poster, a bumper sticker and an emblem sticker.

2: “Non-Planing Seaplane Study” by Convair, 196. Two presentations; The $4 and up subscribers get not only the cleaned-up report, but the original as-scanned negative-image transparencies. marvel at the liberal use not of white-out but of black-out.

3: Detailed diagram of the KC-135 (1/40 scale model)

4: In lieu of a CAD diagram, first public art of the F-117A, 1988

If you are interested in helping to preserve this sort of aerospace history, consider signing up for the APR Monthly Historical Documents Program for as little as $1.50 per month:



 Posted by at 5:32 pm
Jun 242024

I did my best to stitch together this two-page magazine ad. Dating from 1986, it shows missile programs then underway at Martin-Marietta; front and center is the Small ICBM (“Midgetman”) in its Hard Mobile Launcher. The HML would wander seemingly at random around the western US, being difficult to track and target by the Soviets. When the time came, the trailer would be dropped off and the suspension collapsed to lower the trailer to the ground; sloped shells would drop to the ground. In the event of a nearby nuclear detonation, it was hoped that the shockwave would roll over the shell without excessively damaging the trailer. Then the missile launch tube would be raised and the missile fired, sending a single warhead across the planet. The tractor for this version was designed and built by Caterpillar and used rubbed treads, unlike the wheeled Boeing competitors.

Image below is a reduced-rez version of the full scan. The full image  has been made available as a thank-you to APR Patreon and Historical Documents Program patrons at the $4 and above level, placed in the 2024-06 APR Extras. If interested in this piece or if you are interested in helping to fund the preservation of this sort of thing, please consider becoming a patron, either through the APR Patreon or the Monthly Historical Document Program.

 Posted by at 8:24 pm