Issue Volume 2, Number 3
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Issue V2N3 of the new electronic APR (PDF file format on CD-ROM) features four main articles.
Part one of two parts on the Bell D-188A VTOL jet fighter, often erroneously listed as the "XF-109." This article deals with early Bell VTOL fighter concepts leading up through the D-139 VTOL interceptor to the initial concept of the D-188.
A 3-page article by Dennis R. Jenkins about a 1971 concept for a shortened three-engine version of the 747, designed to compete against the Lockheed L-1011 and McDonnell Douglas DC-10 trijets.
A 4-page article by Dennis R. Jenkins about a 1942 concept for flying wing designed to meet the B-36 specification.
Bell BoMi, Part 2: second of three parts about the Bomber Missile project, which ran throughout the 1950s. BoMi was a concept for a manned rocket powered intercontinental bomber --in essence, a manned ICBM. It led directly to the X-20 Dyna Soar program, and indirectly to the Space Shuttle, and is the granddaddy of all modern Western spaceplanes. Part 2 of the series (61 pages) deals with the BOMI project proper, from the initial 1952 concept to the System 118P, SR-126, HYWARDS and Brass Bell hypersonic reconnaissance systems. Many layout and inboard profile diagrams! Also provides rarely seen information on the Convair MX-774 ICBM concept and the "Project Feed Back" nuclear-powered spy satellite and launch vehicle from 1954.
Aerospace History Nuggets: short one or two page articles on brief topics, including...
Martin Model 262: turboprop VTOL fighter
Grumman D-623-2024: jet VTOL fighter (hmmm... unintentionally, a VTOL-fighter heavy issue)
Mystery Pursuit Aircraft: unusual configuration from 1947
Blackburn B-49B: British canard flying boat
And finally, this issue has 7 pages of 11X17 pages including larger-format versions of some of the drawings and art, as well as diagrams that would only fit here. These pages are at the end of the issue for easier printing.
V2N3 download order: $8.50