Jul 162013

Back when transportation of Saturn V stages was an issue, a number of vehicles were put forward. One of them was a highly modified B-52 concept from Aero Spacelines, the company that gave the world the Mini Guppy, the Pregnant Guppy and the Super Guppy. Here, a B-52 would be chopped to bits, with an entirely new fuselage built with the B-52 cockpit and tail units tacked on, with the B-52 wings added to a new wing center section, with two additional B-52 engine pods. Needless to say, this was not built. Dates from mid 1967.

colossal guppy

Av wee nov 14 66 super guppy

 Posted by at 12:27 am

  One Response to “Colossal Guppy”

  1. […] Let me just explain that: a 1967 proposal for a guppified B-52 with 12 engines to transport Saturn V first stages! http://aerospaceprojectsreview.com/blog/?p=1221 […]

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