Nov 112012

The Boeing 473-12, from July 1948. An early concept for a passenger jetliner, this would have been powered by two Rolls Royce “Nene” engines and could carry a crew of three and 27 passengers a range of 550 miles. This was an early step on the path to the 707, the worlds first successful jetliner.

A three-view of the early jetliner design, showing the clean lines and basic geometry that would become virtually standard for the next seventy years or more.

 Posted by at 1:00 am

  5 Responses to “Boeing Model 473-12 layout diagram”

  1. Engine pod with double intake/exhaust for a single engine?
    I recall Boeing Model 479 six jet engined XB-55 bomber: it has a triple intake/exhaust pod plus an additional double intake/exhaust pod configuration on each wing.

    Any explanation for that mistery?

    Thanks in advance,


  2. > Any explanation for that mistery?

    Yes: I had a mis-labeled bit of art. Now corrected.

  3. this reminds a me a LOT of the Baade 152



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